When resistance shows up …
I committed to writing and publishing daily, initially for six weeks.
I want to do this to
- find like-minded people who are interested in the topics that interest me (give me a follow if you are)
- learn how to write to keep someone’s attention (improve my copywriting skills)
- help me articulate my ideas better
- get over myself and share my thoughts publicly
- open myself to new possibilities and opportunities I have no idea of yet
This morning I didn’t know what to write about.
I noticed all kinds of objections and reasons why my commitment to writing was a bad idea and why I should give up. Without fail, every time I want to make a change, I come up against this wall of my inner resistance.
My resistance can become really strong – like a two-year-old throwing a temper tantrum and refusing to budge, hell-bent on keeping the status quo and sabotaging me in my effort to change. Can you relate?
I have become accustomed to experiencing this resistance. Given that resistance is nothing but a bundle of emotions, I’ve regularly used emotional processing techniques to ease the way towards the change I want.
This week I’ll write about emotional processing that helps me overcome this resistance to change.