Choosing Emotional Maturity Over Triggers When Dealing with a Child’s Tantrum

by | 25 Apr 2023

Situation: a child throws a temper tantrum.


We have two options – get triggered or not.


When we get triggered, we

  • refuse to acknowledge the child’s feelings,
  • worry about what others will think,
  • get angry,
  • start shouting,
  • act harshly, and
  • possibly hitting out.


This is the same reaction as the child throwing a temper tantrum, except that we are bigger, stronger, and louder.


An emotionally mature person responds by

  • accepting the reality of what is happening,
  • validating the child for dealing with strong emotions,
  • bringing their loving, calm presence and alertness to the situation,
  • creating a safe space so neither the child nor others are hurt,
  • allowing the emotions to run their natural course, and
  • comforting the child.


When we see someone respond to a difficult situation in a kind and mature way, we start modelling that in our lives, and it will become the norm.


Message to self – be that someone!